SC: Single contract, JV: Leader/partner of joint venture, AM: Associate member
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Timor-Leste | The Project for the Port Development of Calavera in Timor-Leste | JICA | JV | 2024/9 |
Indonesia | Detailed Planning Survey for the Project for Development of Marine and Fisheries Surveillance Infrastructure (Environmental & Social Consideration) | JICA | SC | 2024/3 |
Indonesia | Detailed Planning Survey for the Project for Development of Marine and Fisheries Surveillance Infrastructure (Infrastructure Planning & Design) | JICA | SC | 2024/3 |
Bangladesh | The Establishment of Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) for Ship Recycling Industry and Others in Chattogram | JICA | AM | 2023/8 |
India | JICA Project for Station Area Development (SAD) Along Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) Project | JICA | AM | 2023/3 |
Cambodia | The Project for Strengthening Capacity for Ports Administration | JICA | AM | 2022/6 |
Timor-Leste | The Project on Strategic Port Development Master Plan | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2022/6 |
India | West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project Phase 2 | JICA | JV | 2022/3 |
Timor-Leste | Fisheries Development Advisor | JICA | JV | 2022/1 |
India | Environmental Consultancy Services for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Railway Project for Detailed Design | JICA | AM | 2021/8 |
Cambodia | Detailed Planning Survey for The Project for Strengthening Capacity for Ports Administration (Environmental and Social Consideration) | JICA | SC | 2020/10 |
Timor-Leste | Data Collection Survey on Fisheries Development | JICA | SC | 2020/3 |
Timor-Leste | The Detailed Planning Survey on the Project on Strategic Port Development Master Plan | JICA | SC | 2020/1 |
Indonesia | Technical Assistance for Promotion on Selection of Operator for Patimban Port Development Project | JICA | SC | 2019/10 |
India | Consulting Services for Project for Sustainable Catchment Forest Management in Tripura (SCATFORM) | Gev. of Tripura State | JV | 2019/8 |
Indonesia | Technical Support on Development of Fishery Sector in Outer Islands | JICA | AM | 2019/6 |
Indonesia | Consulting Services for Design and Supervision of Port Related Facilities Development for Patimban Port Development Project (1) | Gov. of Indonesia | JV | 2018/11 |
India | Odisha Forestry Sector Development Project (Phase II) | Gov. of Odisha State | AM | 2018/9 |
Vietnam | Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project | JICA | AM | 2018/7 |
India | Preparatory Study on Tripura Sustainable Forest Management Project | JICA | JV | 2017/9 |
Indonesia | Technical Assistance for Enhancing Capabilities of Implementing the Livelihood Restoration Program - Patimban Port Development Project | JICA | AM | 2017/9 |
Indonesia | Technical Assistance on Selection of Operator for Patimban Port - Process 2 – | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2017/8 |
Indonesia | Technical Assistance for Procurement Procedures on Patimban Port Development Project | JICA | JV | 2017/7 |
India | Environmental Consultancy Services for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Railway Project for Detailed Design | JICA | AM | 2017/2 |
Indonesia | Detailed Design Study of PhaseI-1 of New Port Project in Eastern Metropolitan Area | JICA | JV | 2016/12 |
Timor-Leste | The Project for Urgent Relocation of Ferry Terminal in Dili Port | Gov. of Timor-Leste | JV(Leader) | 2016/10 |
Myanmar | Advisory Services on Review of Concession Agreement of Tirawa Port | Private Sector | AM | 2016/9 |
Indonesia | Confirmation of Environmental and Social Consideration for Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant Project | JBIC | JV | 2016/8 |
Indonesia | The Preparatory Survey on New Port Development Project in Eastern Metropolitan Area | JICA | JV(Leader) | 2016/7 |
India | Preparatory Survey on the Ship Recycling Yards Improvement Project | JICA | AM | 2016/4 |
India | The Preparatory Survey on The Tuticorin Outer Harbour Development Project | JICA | AM | 2016/2 |
Cambodia | Preparatory Survey for Sihanoukville Port New Container Terminal Development Project | JICA | AM | 2016/2 |
Vietnam | Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project | JICA | AM | 2016/2 |
Myanmar | Sub-project for Expansion of Yangon Port in Thilawa Area Phase 1 | JICA | AM | 2016/1 |
India | Supplemental Survey on Metro Projects in India 1 | JICA | AM | 2016/1 |
Timor-Leste | Preparatory Survey for the Project of Urgent Shift of Ferry Terminal in Dili Port | JICA | JV | 2015/6 |
The Philippines | The Detailed Planning Survey on Project for Urban Infrastructure Plan Formulation and Management Capacity Development (Environmental and Social Considerations) | JICA | SC | 2015/3 |
Vietnam | The Second Detailed Planning Survey on Project for Strengthening Capacity of Water Environment Management in River Basin | JICA | SC | 2015/1 |
Bangladesh | Preparatory Survey on Chittagong Area Coal Fired Power Plant Development Project in Bangladesh | JICA | AM | 2014/4 |
Myanmar | Preparation for ESIA for CFB Coal Fired | Private Sector | AM | 2014/4 |
Myanmar | The Preparatory Survey on Enhancement of the Efficient Operation of Thilawa Area Port and Logistics Depot Project (PPP Infrustucrture) | JICA | AM | 2013/10 |
Vietnam | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration for Lach Huyen Port Container Terminal Construction/Operation Project | JBIC | SC | 2013/10 |
Cambodia | The Project for Capacity Development on Container Terminal Management and Operation in Sihanoukville Port | JICA | AM | 2013/3 |
Cambodia | Phnom Penh Autonomous Port New Container Terminal's Special Economic Zone and Associated Facilities Construction Project in Kingdom of Cambodia | JICA | JV | 2012/9 |
Myanmar | The Preparatory Survey for the Project for Expansion of Yangon Port in Thilawa Area | JICA | AM | 2012/7 |
Indonesia | The Preparatory Survey on Cilamaya New Port Development Project in the Republic of Indonesia | JICA | JV | 2012/1 |
Bangladesh | Data Collection Survey on Coal Power Master Plan Follow-up in the People's Republic of Bangladesh | JICA | AM | 2011/12 |
Philippines | Preliminary Study on the Metro Manila Interchange Construction Project (VI) in the Philippines | JICA | AM | 2011/11 |
Vietnam | Special Assistance for Procurement Management (SAPMAN) for Lach Huyen Port Infrastructure Construction Project (Port) in Vietnam | JICA | SC | 2011/8 |
Philippines | Study on the New Cebu Container Port and the Redevelopment of the Existing Cebu Port in the Republic of the Philippines | METI, Japan | AM | 2011/8 |
Cambodia | JICA | JV | 2011/6 | |
Vietnam | Gov. of Vietnam | AM | 2011/5 | |
Afghanistan | Promotion of Kabul Metropolitan Area Development: Capacity Development Project | JICA | AM | 2011/5 |
Vietnam | The Detailed Design Study for Lach Huyen Port Infrastructure Construction Project | JICA | AM | 2011/3 |
Indonesia | The Study on Distribution Mechanism Reform through Development of Wholesale Market (Improving of Post Harvest Handling and Marketing Facilities) in Indonesia | JICA | AM | 2011/3 |
Thailand | Study on Ranong Port and Related Access from Bangkok to Ranong in the Kingdom of Thailand | JETRO | AM | 2010/11 |
Afghanistan | Feasibility Study on Urgent Water Resources Development and Supply for Kabul Metropolitan Area, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan | JICA | AM | 2010/10 |
Asian countries | The Study on Project Priorities to Upgrade Performance and Capacity of ASEAN Network Ports | JICA | JV | 2010/6 |
Cambodia | The Project for Establishment of National Port Policy and Administration System | JICA | AM | 2010/6 |
Indonesia | Project for Master Plan Study on Port Development and Logistics in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area in the Republic of Indonesia | JICA | JV | 2010/3 |
Indonesia | The Study on the New Public Private Partnership Strategy for the Port Development and Management in the Republic of Indonesia | JICA | JV | 2009/1 |
Laos | The Study on Improvement of Water Environment in Vientiane City, Lao People's Democratic Republic | JICA | AM | 2009/1 |
Thailand | Study on Development of Andaman Sea Gate Port in the Kingdom of Thailand | JETRO | JV | 2008/7 |
Cambodia | SAPROF for Sihanoukville Port Urgent Development for Oil Supply & Multipurpose Terminal | JBIC | AM | 2008/7 |
Philippines | JICA | AM | 2006/8 | |
Indonesia | The Project for Strengthening Decentralized Environmental Management System in Indonesia (odor analysis) | JICA | SC | 2006/2 |
Cambodia | Gov. of Cambodia | JV | 2006/1 | |
India | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Port of Visakhapatnam Expansion Project | JBIC | AM | 2006/1 |
Philippines | Intermodal Transport Development Project in Southern Philippines | ADB | AM | 2005/7 |
Vietnam | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Hai Phong Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant Project | JBIC | SC | 2005/6 |
Maldives | The Study on Tsunami Recovery, Rehabilitation and Development of Islands in Maldives | JICA | AM | 2005/6 |
Indonesia | The Project for Strengthening Decentralized Environmental Management System in Indonesia (marine pollution analysis) | JICA | SC | 2005/3 |
Indonesia | The Project for Strengthening Decentralized Environmental Management System in Indonesia (assessment of marine pollution with indicator species) | JICA | SC | 2005/3 |
East Timor | The Project for the Rehabilitation of Dili Port in Timor Leste | Gov. of East Timor | SC | 2005/2 |
Asian countries | Database Development for the Water Environmental Partnership in Asia | OECC | SC | 2004/10 |
Vietnam | Detailed Design Study of Cai Mep – Thi Vai International Terminals in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam | JICA | JV | 2004/8 |
Philippines | The Inter-Regional Passenger and Freight Flow Surveys in the Republic of the Philippines | JICA | SC | 2004/3 |
Philippines | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Leyte-Cebu Underwater Transmission Line Extension Project | JBIC | SC | 2004/2 |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Preparing Port Sector Development | ADB | SC | 2004/1 |
Vietnam | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port Development Project (follow-up survey) | JBIC | AM | 2003/12 |
Philippines | Preliminary Survey for the Rainfall Observation Project in the Philippines | JETRO | SC | 2003/10 |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Preparing Port Sector Master Plan | ADB | SC | 2003/7 |
Vietnam | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port Development Project | JBIC | AM | 2003/7 |
Asian countries | Study on Port and Shipping Sector Development in Asia | JBIC | SC | 2003/4 |
Philippines | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Mindanao Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant Project | JBIC | AM | 2003/3 |
Philippines | Identification of Port Sector Projects | JBIC | SC | 2002/12 |
Vietnam | Sector Study for Transport in Vietnam | JBIC | SC | 2002/6 |
Philippines | Engineering and Management Consulting Services for Mindanao Container Terminal Project | Gov. of Philippines | AM | 2002/5 |
Indonesia | The Study for Development of the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Ports in the Republic of Indonesia | JICA | AM | 2002/3 |
China | Study on Improvement of Marine Environmental Monitoring System for the Pearl River Estuary in the People’s Republic of China | JICA | JV | 2001/5 |
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Mauritius | Project for the Development of Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Management System, Phase 2 | JICA | AM | 2023/10 |
Kenya | Consulting Services for Mombasa Special Economic Zone Development Project | Gov. of Ke | AM | 2022/12 |
DR Congo | Preparatory Study for the Project for the Improvement of Electricity Access in the Mont Amba District of the City of Kinshasa | JICA | AM | 2022/11 |
Kenya | MPDP SAPROF Review Study | Gov. of Kenya | AM | 2022/10 |
DR Congo | The Project for the Improvement of the Container Terminal of the Port of Matadi | Gov. of DR Congo | JV | 2022/10 |
Mauritius | Project for the Development of Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Management System, Phase 1 | JICA | AM | 2022/3 |
Egypt | Project for Enhancement of Marketing Strategy for Trade through the Suez Canal | JICA | AM | 2022/1 |
DR Congo | Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Improvement of the Container Terminal of the Port of Matadi | JICA | JV | 2021/4 |
Mozambique | Assistance for Preparing Operation and Management Plan of Nacala Port | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2021/1 |
Kenya | The Detailed Design Study on Mombasa Special Economic Zone Development Project | JICA | AM | 2020/3 |
Uganda | Consulting Services for Kampala Metropolitan Transmission System Imrpovement | Gov. of Uganda | AM | 2020/2 |
Cote d'Ivoire | Consulting Services for Improvement Project of Grain Berth of Port of Abidjan | Gov. of Cote d'Iboire | AM | 2019/12 |
Mozambique | Nacala Port Development Project Phase 1 | Gov. of Mozambique | AM | 2018/7 |
Madagascar | Toamasina Port Development Project | Gov. of Madagascar | AM | 2018/2 |
Cote d'Ivoire | Preparatory Study for the Construction Project of Three Intersections in Abidjan | JICA | AM | 2017/11 |
Cote d'Ivoire | Detailed Design Survey for Improvement Project of Grain Berth of Port of Abidjan | JICA | AM | 2017/7 |
Senegal | Preparatory Survey for the Project of Development of Fishing Pier for Sustainable Management of Fishing Products and Commercialization of the Resources in Mbour Department | JICA | AM | 2017/1 |
Kenya | Preparatory Survey for Mombasa Special Economic Zone Development Project | JICA | AM | 2017/1 |
Uganda | Preparatory Survey on the Project for Kampala Metropolitan Transmission System Improvement | JICA | AM | 2016/2 |
Cote d'Ivoire | Preparatory Survey for Improvement Project of Grain Berth of Port of Abidjan | JICA | AM | 2015/6 |
Tanzania | Preparation Survey on Flood Protection Measures for Central Railway Line in United Republic of Tanzania | JICA | AM | 2015/5 |
Senegal | Data Collection Survey for the Rehabilitation of the Third Wharf in Dakar Autonomous Port | JICA | SC | 2015/1 |
Kenya | Transaction Advisory Services (Assistance for Selecting Terminal Operator) | Gov. of Kenya | AM | 2013/4 |
Egypt | The Project on Enhancement of Competitive Strategy for Suez Canal in Egypt | JICA | JV | 2012/2 |
Mozambique | The Preparatory Survey on Nacala Port Development Project in the Republic of Mozambique | JICA | JV | 2010/6 |
Kenya | Preparatory Survey for the New Mombasa Port Container Terminal Access Road Improvement Plan in Kenya (Part 1) | JICA | SC | 2010/3 |
Republic of Congo | Preparatory Survey for the Point-Noire Fisheries Market Development Plan in the Republic of Congo (Part 1) | JICA | SC | 2010/3 |
Madagascar | The Feasibility Study on Toamasina Port Development in the Republic Of Madagascar | JICA | JV | 2009/1 |
Morocco/Tunisia | Amendment of Environmental Profile of Morocco and Tunisia | JBIC | SC | 2005/12 |
Egypt | The Development Study on the Inland Waterway System in The Arab Republic of Egypt | JICA | AM | 2001/12 |
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Palau | Detailed Planning Survey for the Master Plan Development Project for the Fisheries Industry in Palau | JICA | SC | 2025/2 |
The Pacific Ocean Region | Data Collection Survey on the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC)and Kumejima Model Deployment in Island Countries in the Pacific Ocean Region | JICA | AM | 2023/9 |
Palau | Project for Enhancement of Integrated Management of Coastal Ecosystems for Strengthening their Resilience to Climate Change | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2022/1 |
Micronesia | Preparatory Survey for the Project for Pohnpei Port Expansion | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2020/07 |
Micronesia, Marshall Islands | Basic Data Collection Survey on Pohnpei Port Development Project | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2018/12 |
Kiribati | The Rehabilitation Plan of Nippon Causeway | Gov. of Kiribati | JV | 2016/8 |
Vanuatu | Implementation Assistance for the Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project (Second Year) | JICA | AM | 2016/2 |
Kiribati | Preparatory Survey for the Rehabilitation Plan of Nippon Causeway | JICA | JV | 2015/5 |
Tuvalu | Project for Pilot Gravel Beach Nourishment against Coastal Disaster on Fongafale Island in Tuvalu (Phase 2 and 3) | JICA | AM | 2015/1 |
Tonga | Preparatory Survey for Improvement Plan of Wharf for Domestic Transport Ships | JICA | JV | 2014/8 |
Samoa | Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Enhancement of Safety in Apia Port in the Independent State of Samoa | JICA | AM | 2014/6 |
Vanuatu | Implementation Assistance for the Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project in Vanuatu | JICA | AM | 2014/2 |
Vanuatu | Consulting Services for the Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project | Gov. of Vanuatu | AM | 2013/11 |
Tuvalu | Project for Pilot Gravel Beach Nourishment against Coastal Disaster on Fongafale Island in Tuvalu | JICA | AM | 2012/4 |
Vanuatu | Preparatory Study for the Project on International Multimodal Port at Star Wharf in Port Vila in the Republic of Vanuatu (Environmental Study) | JICA | JV | 2011/10 |
Australia | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Cape Lambert Port Upgrade Project | JBIC | SC | 2007/11 |
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Iran | The Project on Development of a Master Plan for Environmental Conservation and Management of Southern Coastal Areas of the I.R. Iran (Case Study Hormozgan) | JICA | JV (Leader) | 2017/8 |
ROPME Member States | The Three-year Partnership Program (2015-2018) of ROPME-JICA | JICA | JV(Leader) | 2015/11 |
Iran | The Project for Community-based Sustainable Development Master Plan of Qeshm Island toward “Eco-Island” | JICA | AM | 2015/10 |
Iran | Preparatory Study for Technical Cooperation Project on Development of Master Plan for Conservation and Management of Coastal Environment | JICA | SC | 2015/4 |
Iraq | Master Plan Study for Port Sector in the Republic of Iraq | JICA | JV | 2013/8 |
Iran | JICA | AM | 2012/5 | |
Oman | JICA | JV | 2011/12 | |
Iraq | Data Collection Survey on Port Development Plan in Iraq | JICA | AM | 2011/10 |
Qatar | Confirmation of Environment and Social Consideration of Messaieed AIPP Project | JBIC | SC | 2006/12 |
Oman | National Ports Development Strategy Study in the Sultanate of Oman | JICA | SC | 2004/6 |
Syria | The Establishment of the Water Resources Information Center (water quality management) | JICA | SC | 2004/3 |
Oman | Establishment of Monitoring Plan for Marine Environment (Red Tide and Blue Tide Monitoring) | JICA | SC | 2003/12 |
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Bolivia | The Detailed Planning Survey on Project for Strengthening Inland Water Transport System | JICA | AM | 2022/12 |
Nicaragua | The Detailed Planning Survey on Project for Promotion of Disaster Risk Reduction Investment to Build Safe and Resilient Municipalities for Coastal Disasters (Evaluation/Analysis) | JICA | SC | 2022/10 |
Brazil | Data Collection Survey on Grain Transporting Logistics in Brazil | JICA | JV | 2015/2 |
Uruguay | Confirmation of Environmental and Social Consideration for Reception and Regasification Terminal of Liquid Natural Gas Project | JBIC | SC | 2014/7 |
Colombia・Peru | Data Collection Survey on Logistics Infrastructure in Colombia and Peru | JICA | JV | 2014/1 |
Brazil | Preparatory Survey Phase II for Port of Itaqui Expansion Project in the Federative Republic of Brazil | JICA | JV | 2011/1 |
El Salvador | Special Assistance for Project Implementation for Advisory Services on the Operation of the La Union Port in the Republic of El Salvador | JICA | JV | 2009/10 |
Brazil | JICA | JV | 2009/6 | |
Mexico | The Project on Capacity Enhancement for Establishing Mexican Norms of Water Quality Criteria | JICA | JV | 2008/6 |
Mexico | Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network Project | JICA | JV | 2006/12 |
Brazil | The Study on Pecem Industrial and Port Complex Development Plan in the Federal Republic of Brazil | JICA | JV | 2005/2 |
Panama | Study on the Comprehensive Ports Development Plan in the Republic of Panama | JICA | JV | 2003/5 |
Country | Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
Serbia | Capacity Building of the Water Quality Management in Sava River Basin in the Republic of Serbia | JICA | SC | 2007/5 |
Lithuania | The Study on The Port Development Project in The Republic of Lithuania | JICA | AM | 2003/3 |
Hungary | The Study on Environmental Improvement of the Lake Balaton (Estimation of Runoff Load) | JICA | SC | 2001/11 |
Project title | Client | Contract status | Contract year |
JICA Workshop on Practice of Environmental and Social Considerations for Investment Development Financing | JICA | AM | 2021/11 |
Data Collection Survey on Cooperation for REDD+ through Related Funds | JICA | AM | 2016/10 |
JICA Workshop on Administration of Environmental and Social Consideration Process for Implementation of a Japanese ODA Loan Project | JICA | JV | 2015/1 |
JICA Group and Region-Focused Training "Environmental Impact Assessment in ODA Projects (EIA as a Tool for Sustainable Development)" | JICA | JV | 2014/10 |
Translation of IFC EHS Guideline (Oil gas/chemical sector) | JBIC | SC | 2009/2 |
Translation of IFC EHS Guideline (Power/infrastructure sector) | JBIC | SC | 2009/2 |
Translation of World Bank Safeguard Policies | JBIC | SC | 2009/2 |
Development of Environment and Social Consideration Manual for Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant | JBIC | SC | 2003/12 |